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London Burlesque Festival 2016 出演決定!

Writer's picture: Switchy WorldSwitchy World

過去最多のアプリケーションで選ぶの大変だとUPしていたWorld Burlesque Gamesのドン、Chaz氏プレゼンツLondon Burlesque festival 2016, UmA ShAdow出演決定*\(^o^)/* Congurats!!


I'm really thrilled to announce!! I will be performing In UK in this May at London Burlesque Festival 2016!!

I will perform on 6th, " VIP Opening Gala " As a International World Burlesque Games Headliner!!!

It seems there has been a whopping more than 600 applicants this year . Very honored I am to choose from among them ! Sure to great performers gather ! So exciting to working together with Team Chaz Royal in UK again!! See you there!

今年5/6~22 UKで行われる、London Burlesque Festival 2016 への出演が決定!!

5/6のVIPガラに、インターナショナル ワールド バーレスク ゲーム ヘッドライナーとして、出演します!


素晴らしいパフォーマーが集まること間違いなし! Chaz Royal チームと再び御一緒出来るのが楽しみです。


Twitter handle: @LondonBurlyFest (All tweets will get a retweet)

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