今話題のHOTなバーレスカーと、久々しゃべくり 倒します。
🌏The explanation in English is after Japanese🌏 . ■配信内容 AFTER PARTY TOKYOツイキャスに海外からの豪華ゲストが登場!
貴重なチャンスをどうぞお見逃しなく!! 皆さまからのご質問もお待ちしていますね!
■配信予定 2020年5月26日(木)19:00〜20:30
■出演 ゲスト:UmA ShAdowさんとひばりさん RITA GOLDIE
UmAShAdow: http://umashadow.com 女将ひばりインタビュー: https://happy-avenue.net/1066
配信予定日 プレミア配信 2020年5月26日(火) 19:00 (視聴期間: 2020/06/09 まで) 価格 550 円 (税込み) 提供/主催 AFTERPARTYTOKYO »
■ Contents
AFTER PARTY TOKYO TwitCast has new guests from overseas!
UmA ShAdow, he debut in 2015 as a boylesque dancer and was nominated as a finalist and got many titles in his hands at numerous burlesque events.
Proprietress Hibari, the producer of various events such as "That's Cabaret Yokohama", will talk about the overseas burlesque situation!
Do not miss this valuable opportunity! ! We look forward to hearing from you!
■ ScheduleThursday, May 26, 2020 19: 00-20: 30 (Japan time zone)
■ CastGuest: UmA ShAdow and Proprietress HibariRITA GOLDIE UmAShAdow: http://umashadow.com
Interview with Hibari:https://happy-avenue.net/1066
■ Scheduled contentsTuesday, May 26, 2020 19:00 (Viewing period: Until 2020/06/09)Price 550 yen (tax included)Provided / sponsoredAFTERPARTY TOKYO »
#Japan #switchyworldchannel #switchyworld #umashadow #performance #tokyo #burlesque #boylesque #cabaret #thatscabaretyokohama #show #performer #ritagoldie #dancer #worldburlesque #apt #hibari #馬A車道 #女将ひばり #バーレスク #ボーイレスク #ボーイレスクショー #バーレスクダンサー #レポート #ワークショップ #burlesquedancer #event #ザッツキャバレー #burlesquefestival #ツイキャス @ Las Vegas, Nevada