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World Burlesque Games 2020 come to an end!

Writer's picture: Switchy WorldSwitchy World

皆様お疲れ様でした♪ 先日無事World Burlesque Games 2020 Online competition が終わりを迎えました。 今年も多くのパフォーマーが参加したこちらのフェス、受賞した皆様、おめでとうございました!自分が受賞したときのことを昨日のことの様に思い出します。

まずあの空気感。楽屋の引き締まった雰囲気や観客の期待感。結果が一瞬の #パフォーマンス で出るスリル感。会場によって振り付けや見せ方を変えたり。オーディエンスとの距離感や反応を感じながらタイミングや見せ場を変えるギャンブル感。思い出すだけでゾクゾクします。

デビューした年に出場した時は、北米予選、ヨーロッパ予選などを勝ち抜かないと本戦にはでれませんでした。自分は北米予選を勝ち抜いて本戦に無事出場。そして勝ち取ったInternational Newcomer Crown。翌年はWorld Crown カテゴリーに出るも涙の2位。その翌年、勝ち取ったWorld Crown。歴史を感じます。ジャッジをしながら、その時のことを思い出しました。

コロナの厳しい状況下の中、オンラインでの全く違った形ではありますが、今年も無事に開催ができたことに喜びを感じ、ジャッジにも選んで頂けたことに、主催者のチャズやベティに感謝しております! コンペティターの皆さん!忘れないで下さい、それぞれ皆さん、本当に素晴らしかったです。次はライブでお会いしましょう。

Thank you everyone ♪ The other day, the #worldburlesquegames2020 Online competition has come to an end. Congratulations to all the award winners at this festival, where many performers participated this year as well!

I remember when I won the award like yesterday. First of all, that feeling of air. The tight atmosphere of the dressing room and the expectations of the audience.

A thrilling feeling that the result comes out with a momentary #performance. The choreography and presentation may change depending on the venue. A gambling feeling that changes the timing and the highlights while feeling the distance and reaction with the audience.

I'm thrilled just to remember.

When I participated in the year I made my debut, I had to win the North American qualifying and the European qualifying to get into the main show. I pass the North American qualifying and participated in the main show safely. And the winning International newcomer crown. The following year, I appeared in the World Crown category but was second place in tears. The following year, the World Crown won. I feel the history. As I was a judge, I remembered that time.

Under the harsh conditions of COVID-19, although it is a completely different form online, I was delighted that the event was held safely this year, and Thank you very much Chaz and Betty for selected me to the Judge team in this year. I am very grateful!!

Competitors! Don't forget, each one was really great. Keep going! See you live next time!



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