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新春!年明け第三弾は、 大阪難波のど真ん中に鎮座する The Burlesque ( @the_burlesque_ )にて!

Writer's picture: Switchy WorldSwitchy World

新春!年明け第三弾は、 大阪難波のど真ん中に鎮座する The Burlesque ( @the_burlesque_ )にて!

今回の帰国での最後のパフォーマンス。はじめての会場でドキドキ。 お客様のキャラクターなど、全く未知でしたので。でも、そこはやっぱり大阪! 快く受け入れて下さいました(と願ってる)





こちらの箱での初めてのゲストに選んで頂いて、本当に有難うございました。 たった数時間ご一緒しただけなのに、帰りは皆様でお見送り頂いて、10年くらい働いてから卒業する一端のレギュラーダンサーの様でした涙腺ゆるゆる

今回抜擢してくれたキリーちゃん ( @kily227 )どうも有難う そしてそれを許可してくださった幹部の皆様、本当に有難う御座いました。 次回帰国した際は必ず連絡しますね!

The third installment of the new year will be at The Burlesque, located in the center of Namba, Osaka!

The last performance in this trip.

Excited at the first venue. Because, I didn't know anything about the customer's character. But that is Osaka after all! They kindly accepted me (I hope )

The stage is an environment where any kind of performance can be performed, such as spinning lights, pin sports, and poles. Great!

It was a night full of variety, including world-class pole dancer, acrobatic circus acts, and a revue show by a beautiful dancers.

I was very impressed with the staff's demeanor and prompt actions.

The store manager and staff who put on a wonderful stage early in the New Year. Thank you very much to all the performers who played with us! There were many discoveries, and it was a fruitful night ♪

Thank you very much for choosing me as your first guest in this box. Even though we were only together for a few hours, everyone saw us off on the way home, and it was like a regular dancer graduating after working for about 10 yearsIt was easy to tear up

Lily Chan, Thank you very much for choosing me And thank you very much to all the executives who allowed it. I will be sure to contact you the next time I return to Japan!



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